Artist statement

'I make contemporary oil and mixed-media paintings and drawings that explore random, surreal moments in our emotional, spiritual, sensual, geopolitical lives. Most of all, I make art to lift the spirit and soul and to inspire positive change. 


"I bought one of Saba's "Water Series" paintings after seeing it on her website. Seeing it later, in reality, I knew it had to be part of my collection, so I bought it without a moment's hesitation. It now has its place at home where I pass it several times a day. 


At one level the technical skill in the painting is so evident, but there's much more to it than that. After looking at it for a few moments, you are drawn into the scene with one's mind contemplating its "Depth and Slumber" title. This is so characteristic of Saba's work: the more you look and study, the greater the reward".
                                                                                             Dr Peter Taylor


For me, making art is about simultaneous engagement with external and internal worlds of the mind, body, spirit and physical spaces. The art surface is where seen and unseen worlds intermingle and fluctuate.  I hope to experience many feelings and ideas and see new places and civilisations. This, I bring to the viewer. As I add and remove colour and texture, new environments emerge and are lost mirroring human existence. Concerned about a shiny, artificial, branded geopolitical world where the majority do not benefit, I eventually face an image that is both fragmenting and optimistic. It's like the beginning of something new yet familiar, that had always existed, but was not previously noticed.




I work on the principle of the ‘death of the author’, once a work is made, what I have experienced and expressed is dead and the onlooker interacts with a blank canvas where a new world ebbs and flows’. 


See a short film by the Muslim Institute of Saba talking about her solo exhibition Happy, Shiny. Fragmented People here.